Friday, February 19, 2010

Car Washing Tips

Rather than taking it a costly carwash, in addition to saving money, washing a car by hand is sometimes considered a therapeutic activity and can put your mind at ease.

Washing a car isn't as simple as taking a bucket of soapy water and wiping the automobile down. The following tips will make your car shine and cause heads to turn as you cruise down the highway:

• Many drivers tend to wait until a thick layer of dirt and grime builds up on the exterior of a car before washing it. Usually, the buildup contains chemicals that will eat away at a car's wax and paint. It is important to rinse your car regularly to prevent the cars exterior from rotting away.

• Car soap is designed specially to clean automobiles. Many people often make the mistake of using household cleaning agents like dishwasher detergent and hand soap. Car soap has a mild formula that won't damage a car's paint job.

• Fully rinse the car down before applying any soap. This will remove any excess dirt and prevent scratching when wiping down the vehicle with a soapy rag.

• When hosing the car down after applying soap, rinse from the top to the bottom. This will help the soap suds drip to the ground and prevent any unnecessary pooling of water. Additionally, use a hose with a nozzle rather than a heavy flow to avoid any body damage.

• Allowing a car to air dry will leave noticeable watermarks all throughout. Instead, use a soft towel to blot the water, rather than dragging it over the vehicle. This will prevent streaking and leave the car looking as good as new.

Washing a car by hand is a great alternative to using an auto wash service. Yet, no matter which cleaning method you choose, remember that cleaning your car often will not only protect its exterior, but also will leave your car looking great for thousands of miles to come.

Washing a car by hand is a great alternative to using an auto wash service. Yet, no matter which cleaning method you choose, remember that cleaning your car often will not only protect its exterior, but also will leave your car looking great for thousands of miles to come.

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